An activity log collates your assets on one page based on set criteria, and includes a target number of hours or points you set and work towards completing.
Create an activity log
You can create an unlimited number of activity logs and save them in your Asset Store.
To create:
- From the burger menu, choose Get creative> Create an activity log.
- With the builder open, click Save.
- Type a title into the field, and click Confirm
- Your activity log is saved to your Asset Store.
You can change the appearance of your activity log.
Change the banner
Click Replace Image to:
- Choose another of PebblePad's default banner images
- Choose an existing image available in your Asset Store
- Upload a new image to your Asset Store and choose this.
Click Resize image to:
- Crop or expand the image captured.
- Refocus what is in view.
Add a description
Type a description for your log into the text area at the top of the page. Use this to explain to yourself or others what this page is for and the type of assets it will contain.
Set target hours and points
This is the target number of hours or points you are working towards. This can be either:
- a number of points,
- a number of hours,
- both hours and points
If hours and points are not needed, use a collection.
To add:
- Click the tile needed.
- Add your target number.
Add assets
The Start building your activity log button has four options:
Add individual assets
Use to build a manual log. Individually select the assets from your Asset Store.
Add new activity
Use to add a new asset from the activity template resource. When saved, the asset will be added to the activity log, and saved in your Asset Store.
Add assets by tag
Use to build a dynamic log. PebblePad will automatically add any assets from your Asset Store which contains the tag, or tags - including assets tagged in future.
Add advanced criteria
Use to build a dynamic log. PebblePad will automatically add any assets from your Asset Store the meet the criteria, which can include:
- a specific asset type (Post, Experience, PDF, etc)
- created before, after, or between certain dates
- with a specific tag, or tags
Monitor target hours and points
All assets added to an activity log should have hours or points added. The activity log extracts and displays this information.
The log calculates the total hours and/or points of all the listed assets and applies this to the target.
Remove assets
Assets added to an activity log can be removed, depending upon the method used to add them.
To remove:
- Click Edit your searches to open the sidebar
Individual assets
- Click the Edit button.
- Assets you have selected from your Asset Store are shown.
- Click an asset to untick and click Done to confirm.
- Assets deselected will be removed from the log.
Assets by tag
- Click the dustbin icon to remove the criteria, and click Done.
- All assets with this tag will be removed from the log.
- Alternatively, remove the tag from an individual asset.
Advanced criteria
- Click the dustbin to remove the criteria entirely.
Or, - Click Edit to change any of the asset type, date, or tag criteria and click Done.
- All assets that no longer meet the new criteria will be removed from the log.
Removing an asset from an activity log will not delete it from your Asset Store.