Asking for help

Contact your institution's local PebblePad support team or IT Helpdesk for assistance.

I don't know the contact details for my local PebblePad support team
We recommend checking your student or staff intranet, asking your Information Technology (IT) Helpdesk, or learners asking your tutor for your local PebblePad team's contact details.
I'm not a staff member, I don't know who to ask
If you have an External PebblePad account you should contact the institution who issued it. This can be via the person who organised the setting up of your account, or another staff member, to obtain helpdesk contact details on your behalf.
Why can't PebblePad help me directly?
PebblePad is a third-party software supplier. Each institution provides a support team to assist their PebblePad users. This Support Group can escalate queries to the PebblePad Helpdesk for additional help.