A blog is a one-page website containing posts and other assets which capture events, experiences and reflections and are displayed in chronological order.
Create a blog
You can create an unlimited number of blogs and save them to your Asset Store.
To create:
- From the burger menu, choose Get creative> Create a blog.
- With the builder open, click Save.
- Type a title into the field, and click Confirm
- Your blog is saved to your Asset Store.
You can change the appearance of your blog.
Change the banner:
Click Replace Image to:
- Choose another of PebblePad's default banner images
- Choose an existing image available in your Asset Store
- Upload a new image to your Asset Store and choose this.
Click Resize image to:
- Crop or expand the image captured.
- Refocus what is in view.
Add a description
Type a description for your blog into the text area at the top of the page. Use this to explain to yourself or others what this blog is for and the type of posts it will contain.
Add a post
Posts are attached to your blog and appear in the chronological order they are added.
The Add to your blog button has three options:
Add a post
Use to build a blog post with content blocks. It provides a flexible layout to present content in any order. The post will be added to your blog and saved as an individual asset in your Asset Store.
Use a template
Use to select a template from your Resource Store. It provides a structured post with set fields to complete. The post will be added to your blog and saved as an individual asset in your Asset Store.
Add an existing asset
Use to add an asset already created and saved to your Asset Store.
The same asset can be added to multiple blogs at the same time.
Make a post private
By default, a blog and all its posts are private and visible only to you. If you choose, you can share your blog with people, the web, or with ATLAS. It is possible to keep selected posts as private, even though the blog itself is visible.
To adjust:
- With your blog open, click the cog icon on the post
- Select Make Private from the list
To make a post public again, repeat the same steps above and choose Show Post.
Remove a post
A post added to a blog can be removed if it is no longer required.
To remove:
- With the blog open, click the cog icon on the post
- Select Remove post from the list
Removing a post from a blog will not delete the asset from your Asset Store.